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Everything posted by short.fuse.5254

  1. I'm having issues with Page 214 -Chapter 7-... This is how the book showed the example turning out: This is how mine turned out: This example on page 215 is not working right either: I don't understand where I went wrong & why the examples aren't turning out like the author's on these. I downloaded the sql commands that go with the book & ran this on the sql tab in PhpMyAdmin: CREATE DATABASE banking CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; USE banking; CREATE TABLE customers ( customer_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, first_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (customer_id), INDEX full_name (last_name, first_name) ) ENGINE = INNODB; CREATE TABLE accounts ( account_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, customer_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, type ENUM('Checking', 'Savings') NOT NULL, balance DECIMAL(10,2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0, PRIMARY KEY (account_id), INDEX (customer_id), FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers (customer_id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ) ENGINE = INNODB; CREATE TABLE transactions ( transaction_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, to_account_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, from_account_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, amount DECIMAL(5,2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, date_entered TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (transaction_id), INDEX (to_account_id), INDEX (from_account_id), INDEX (date_entered), FOREIGN KEY (to_account_id) REFERENCES accounts (account_id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY (from_account_id) REFERENCES accounts (account_id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ) ENGINE = INNODB; INSERT INTO customers (first_name, last_name) VALUES ('Sarah', 'Vowell'), ('David', 'Sedaris'), ('Kojo', 'Nnamdi'); INSERT INTO accounts (customer_id, balance) VALUES (1, 5460.23), (2, 909325.24), (3, 892.00); INSERT INTO accounts (customer_id, type, balance) VALUES (2, 'Savings', 13546.97);
  2. Your welcome @JohnD... It took me a while to figure out how to do this myself. I think I was on Google for an hour or two trying to find an article on how to do this.
  3. I think I've got this all sorted out now, so I figured I should post how I got everything done to help anyone else who has the same problem. First, I clicked the xampp control panel, & clicked the stop buttons next to Apache & MySQL. Next, I went to: http://downloads.mysql.com/general/timezone_2011n_posix.zip , & I downloaded the zip folder (It has all of the 15 tables files in it.). I extracted the folder, selected all of the 15 files in it, copied them, & pasted them in the folder C:\xampp\mysql\data\mysql. A window will come up asking you if you want to replace the files or skip them: Replace them... Then I restarted Apache & MySQL & got the example in Chapter 6 on page 194 to work!
  4. Hi everyone, I just finished reading Chapter 6, & I'm stuck on Page 190 on the part Using Time Zones in MySQL... I'm not sure where to start. I checked out this page http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/time-zone-support.html, but I can't make too much sense out of it! I installed Xampp in C:. I found this folder with the Time Zone tables, but I have no idea what to do even after reading the time zone support page on the MySQL website...: C:\xampp\mysql\data\mysql It has all 15 of the time zone files, but I don't know what to do. I'm using Version 3.2.1 of Xampp, Version 5.5.11 of PHP, & Version 5.0.11 -dev of MySQL... I tried example 8 on Page 194 of the book, & this is how it turned out: I appreciate in help in advance! Thanks, -- Devin
  5. Thank you Emilie! I appreciate all of the help! & I also voted your answer up for answering what I needed to know & the quick reply...
  6. Hi Emilie, I was just judging by the examples in the book & thought what I did was supposed to match the examples exactly. I was thinking that if the registration_date wasn't the same as the author's in the book, then I might run into problems later on in the book... So, do I need to edit the registration_date in phpMyAdmin to make the registration dates the same as the authors? I just thought I might run into issues if the registration dates didn't match the authors exactly. &, by the way, thanks for the quick reply & for explaining this!
  7. Hello everyone, This is what I'm having trouble with in Chapter 5 on the part 'Sorting Query Results' on page 146: Show all of the non-Simpson users by date registered C: SELECT * FROM users WHERE last_name != 'Simpson' ORDER BY registration_date DESC; This is how it turned out when I followed the example: I don't understand why it's not turning out like the example in the book & why the registration date turned out like this! I followed the authors examples & downloaded the scripts that go along with the book. I copied & pasted this -from the books scripts phpmysql4_scripts\sql.sql- into the SQL form on phpMyAdmin: CREATE DATABASE sitename; USE sitename; CREATE TABLE users ( user_id MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, first_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL, pass CHAR(40) NOT NULL, registration_date DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (user_id) ); INSERT INTO users (first_name, last_name, email, pass, registration_date) VALUES ('Larry', 'Ullman', 'email@example.com', SHA1('mypass'), NOW()); INSERT INTO users VALUES (NULL, 'Zoe', 'Isabella', 'email2@example.com', SHA1('mojito'), NOW()); INSERT INTO users (first_name, last_name, email, pass, registration_date) VALUES ('John', 'Lennon', 'john@beatles.com', SHA1('Happin3ss'), NOW()), ('Paul', 'McCartney', 'paul@beatles.com', SHA1('letITbe'), NOW()), ('George', 'Harrison', 'george@beatles.com ', SHA1('something'), NOW()), ('Ringo', 'Starr', 'ringo@beatles.com', SHA1('thisboy'), NOW()); INSERT INTO users (first_name, last_name, email, pass, registration_date) VALUES ('David', 'Jones', 'davey@monkees.com', SHA1('fasfd'), NOW()), ('Peter', 'Tork', 'peter@monkees.com', SHA1('warw'), NOW()), ('Micky', 'Dolenz', 'micky@monkees.com ', SHA1('afsa'), NOW()), ('Mike', 'Nesmith', 'mike@monkees.com', SHA1('abdfadf'), NOW()), ('David', 'Sedaris', 'david@authors.com', SHA1('adfwrq'), NOW()), ('Nick', 'Hornby', 'nick@authors.com', SHA1('jk78'), NOW()), ('Melissa', 'Bank', 'melissa@authors.com', SHA1('jhk,h'), NOW()), ('Toni', 'Morrison', 'toni@authors.com', SHA1('hdhd'), NOW()), ('Jonathan', 'Franzen', 'jonathan@authors.com', SHA1('64654'), NOW()), ('Don', 'DeLillo', 'don@authors.com', SHA1('asf8'), NOW()), ('Graham', 'Greene', 'graham@authors.com', SHA1('5684eq'), NOW()), ('Michael', 'Chabon', 'michael@authors.com', SHA1('srw6'), NOW()), ('Richard', 'Brautigan', 'richard@authors.com', SHA1('zfs654'), NOW()), ('Russell', 'Banks', 'russell@authors.com', SHA1('wwr321'), NOW()), ('Homer', 'Simpson', 'homer@simpson.com', SHA1('5srw651'), NOW()), ('Marge', 'Simpson', 'marge@simpson.com', SHA1('ljsa'), NOW()), ('Bart', 'Simpson', 'bart@simpson.com', SHA1('pwqojz'), NOW()), ('Lisa', 'Simpson', 'lisa@simpson.com', SHA1('uh6'), NOW()), ('Maggie', 'Simpson', 'maggie@simpson.com', SHA1('plda664'), NOW()), ('Abe', 'Simpson', 'abe@simpson.com', SHA1('qopkrokr65'), NOW()); I don't understand why this is turning out wrong! I got the example -on page 145- to work: To sort data: 1. Select all of the users in alphabetical order by last name A: SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users ORDER BY last_name; This is what mine turned out like A: I also got the second example on page 145 to work: 2. Display all of the users in alphabetical order by last name and then first name B: SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users ORDER BY last_name ASC, first_name ASC; This is how mine turned out B: I don't understand. I'm confused. I tried both of the examples on page 145 & I got them to work. But the example on page 146 DOES NOT... Thanks in advance for any help, ---It will be much appreciated--- -- Devin
  8. Thank you very much Emilie. I finally figured this out sometime last night after being about ready to pull my hair out! You described it best tho & added more about the $_POST array so I voted your answer up!
  9. This is the script that I'm having trouble with: <?php # Script 3.6 - calc3_2.php // This sets the page's title: $page_title = 'Trip Cost Calculator'; // This includes the header: include ('includes/header.html'); // Check for form submission: if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // Minimal form validation... Checks if distance, gallon_price, & efficiency are set & numeric... if (isset($_POST['distance'], $_POST['gallon_price'], $_POST['efficiency']) && is_numeric($_POST['distance']) && is_numeric($_POST['gallon_price']) && is_numeric($_POST['efficiency']) ) { // Calculate the results: $gallons = $_POST['distance'] / $_POST['efficiency']; // This divides the distance the user enters by the efficiency the users enters & assigns it to the variable $gallons... $dollars = $gallons * $_POST['gallon_price']; // This multiplies the gallons by the gallon price the user selected & assigns it to $dollars... $hours = $_POST['distance']/65; // This divides the distance the user enters by 65... // Print the results: echo '<h1>Total Estimated Cost</h1> <p>The total cost of driving ' . $_POST['distance'] . ' miles, averaging ' . $_POST['efficiency'] . ' miles per gallon, and paying an average of $' . $_POST['gallon_price'] . ' per gallon, is $' . number_format ($dollars, 2) . '. If you drive at an average of 65 miles per hour, the trip will take approximately ' . number_format($hours, 2) . ' hours.</p>'; } else { // If the user did something wrong echo '<h1>Error!</h1> <p class="error">Please enter a valid distance, price per gallon, and fuel efficiency.</p>'; } } // End of main submission IF. // Leave the PHP section & create the HTML form: ?> <h1>Trip Cost Calculator</h1> <form action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>" method="post"> <p>Distance (in miles): <input type="text" name="distance" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['distance'])) echo $_POST['distance']; ?>" /></p> <p>Ave. Price Per Gallon: <span class="input"> <input type="radio" name="gallon_price" value="3.00" <?php if (isset($_POST['gallon_price']) && ($_POST['gallon_price'] == '3.00')) echo 'checked="checked" '; ?>/> 3.00 <input type="radio" name="gallon_price" value="3.50" <?php if (isset($_POST['gallon_price']) && ($_POST['gallon_price'] == '3.50')) echo 'checked="checked" '; ?>/> 3.50 <input type="radio" name="gallon_price" value="4.00" <?php if (isset($_POST['gallon_price']) && ($_POST['gallon_price'] == '4.00')) echo 'checked="checked" '; ?>/> 4.00 </span><p> <p>Fuel Efficiency: <select name="efficiency"> <option value="10" <?php if (isset($_POST['efficiency']) && ($_POST['efficiency'] == '10')) echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Terrible</option> <option value="20" <?php if (isset($_POST['efficiency']) && ($_POST['efficiency'] == '20')) echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Decent</option> <option value="30" <?php if (isset($_POST['efficiency']) && ($_POST['efficiency'] == '30')) echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Very Good</option> <option value="50" <?php if (isset($_POST['efficiency']) && ($_POST['efficiency'] == '50')) echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Outstanding</option> </select></p> <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Calculate!" /></p> </form> <?php include ('includes/footer.html'); ?> I understand everything until this part: <h1>Trip Cost Calculator</h1> <form action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>" method="post"> <p>Distance (in miles): <input type="text" name="distance" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['distance'])) echo $_POST['distance']; ?>" /></p> <p>Ave. Price Per Gallon: <span class="input"> <input type="radio" name="gallon_price" value="3.00" <?php if (isset($_POST['gallon_price']) && ($_POST['gallon_price'] == '3.00')) echo 'checked="checked" '; ?>/> 3.00 <input type="radio" name="gallon_price" value="3.50" <?php if (isset($_POST['gallon_price']) && ($_POST['gallon_price'] == '3.50')) echo 'checked="checked" '; ?>/> 3.50 <input type="radio" name="gallon_price" value="4.00" <?php if (isset($_POST['gallon_price']) && ($_POST['gallon_price'] == '4.00')) echo 'checked="checked" '; ?>/> 4.00 </span><p> <p>Fuel Efficiency: <select name="efficiency"> <option value="10" <?php if (isset($_POST['efficiency']) && ($_POST['efficiency'] == '10')) echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Terrible</option> <option value="20" <?php if (isset($_POST['efficiency']) && ($_POST['efficiency'] == '20')) echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Decent</option> <option value="30" <?php if (isset($_POST['efficiency']) && ($_POST['efficiency'] == '30')) echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Very Good</option> <option value="50" <?php if (isset($_POST['efficiency']) && ($_POST['efficiency'] == '50')) echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Outstanding</option> </select></p> <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Calculate!" /></p> </form> // I know the part below includes the footer <?php include ('includes/footer.html'); ?> I would very much appreciate it if you could break the script down for me & explain it for me. The parts like this are really confusing me - I don't understand what they do for the rest of the script: <option value="30" <?php if (isset($_POST['efficiency']) && ($_POST['efficiency'] == '30')) echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Very Good</option> ?php if (isset($_POST['gallon_price']) && ($_POST['gallon_price'] == '3.50')) echo 'checked="checked" '; ?>/> 3.50
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