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Posts posted by cartfredri

  1. Sorry about the delay! Behind schedule keeping up with the forums! It sounds like you have the basic grasp of looping through a multidimensional array. If you know the depths of the array, you can use X number of nested foreach loops. Otherwise you'll need to use a recursive function or http://php.net/array_walk_recursive, which is a shortcut there. 


    The PHP Advanced book does have a recursive example of example this. 

    Hi Larry,


    been away for summer, just a quick one you know the 'array_walk_recursive' function how would I capture the Keys which are also arrays in the the multi-dimensional array because I used the array_map and it worked with the call back function but the key which are arrays didnt display for example could I say in user defined function '$key1 => $key2' => $value' I know this isnt quite right but i'm a bit unsure, please let me know.





  2. Hi Larry,


    i'm quite new to the forum, just have a quick question from chapter one from the pursue section, basically how would I display each element in the multidimentional array? without using print_r. Would I use a foreach loop to loop through element or within a function use a array_key_exist to test if key exist, then if true return that data from array please let me know.




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