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  1. Thanks for your quick reply Larry. I come from Obj-C and Swift. I get a better understanding now why we use global before var. I guess I'll get used to it Have a great day!
  2. Hello Larry, First of all, I'm very glad I got your book. I'm re-learning PHP from scratch and I wished I had a book like yours in the early 2000s In chapter 6, handle_reg.php, I'm a bit troubled by the variable $age. $age should only exist within "if ($_POST['year'] < 2016) {...}" // Validate the year: if (is_numeric($_POST['year']) AND (strlen($_POST['year']) == 4)) { // Check that they were born before 2016 if ($_POST['year'] < 2016) { $age = 2016 - $_POST['year']; // Calculate age this year } else { print '<p class="error">Either you entered your birth year wrong or you come from the future'; $okay = false; } But still, you can call it like a global variable at the bottom of the page: // If there were no errors, print a success message: if ($okay) { print '<p>You have been successfully registered (but not really).</p>'; print "<p>You will turn $age this year.<p>"; print "<p>Your favorite color is a $color_type color.<p>"; } In another programming language, I would have defined it as a global variable at the top, then update it later on. Is it a common thing in PHP? Thanks a lot for your time. Cheers!
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