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Everything posted by Brett

  1. Hi there, im going through chapter 4 and have just finished the login form. Everything seems to be working until i tried to log in with a valid email and password, I keep getting The email address and password do not match those on file eror so i looked at the database and saw that the password data was being stored as this 1110011111100101~10101001101001111001100011111111FpC11111011jt11100111100001111100010010101011111111011000010010011111_0000011111010101#11001000X11110100"10100000101010101011010110101111 when it should look like this e7e57ea9a798ff467043fb6a74e787c4abfd849f5f07d523c858f422a0aab5a the actual word is Bad222. Im at a total loss as to whats going on here, I really need some advice How can i remidy this I gone over and over my code and can't seem to see the problem..... Please help.
  2. Hi guys i'm brand new here, By the way im loving this book. My problem is im getting two errors, I have just finished the index page on the first example this is the first error i get PHP Warning: error_log() [<a href='function.error-log'>function.error-log</a>]: SMTP server response: 550 5.7.3 Requested action aborted; user not authenticated in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\includes\config.inc.php on line 18 This is my config.inc.php so far <?php $live = FALSE; $contact_email = 'evildoa@live.com'; //deine the constants define("BASE_URI", "../"); define("BASE_URL", "wwww.brettsite.com/"); define("MYSQL", "./includes/mysql.inc.php"); session_start(); //error handling function my_error_handler($e_number, $e_message, $e_file, $e_line, $e_vars){ global $live, $contact_email; $message = "An error accured in script '$e_file' on line $e_line:\n $e_message \n"; $message.= "<pre>".print_r(debug_backtrace(),1)."</pre>\n"; $message.= "<pre>".print_r($e_vars,1)."</pre>\n"; if ($live){ echo '<div class="error">'.nl2br($message).'</div>'; } else { //error_log($message,1, $contact_email,'From: evildoa@live.com'); } if ($e_number != E_NOTICE){ echo '<div class="error">A systen error accured. We apologize for the inconvenience.</div>'; } return TRUE; } set_error_handler('my_error_handler'); Notice ive commented out this line error_log($message,1, $contact_email,'From: evildoa@live.com'); It runs ok when this is commented out but in the borwser i still get a A systen error accured. We apologize for the inconvenience. notice right at the top of my content besides i can't get the smtp to work i can't see where im going wrong in mozzilla there don't seem to be any errors i can see through fire bug.... I'm SO LOST.... any advice will be a help thanks in advance
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