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Posts posted by russconte

  1. In the chapter 2 review, the first question is:

    What is the significance of a form’s attribute? Of its attribute?

    If I'm understanding the question correctly, the "Of its attribute?" clause has at least two corrections. One is that it is repetitive and not needed, the second is that "its" should be possessive, "it's" if the clause is supposed to be there. I believe the correct question should be, "What is the significance of a form’s attribute?"

  2. I'll list typos as I find them, if I don't see them on the forums. I believe the words "the and" should be deleted from the last line below. This is in the text around Script 2.1 and I'm using the e-book edition of the Fifth Edition:

    3. Begin the HTML form:

    <fieldset><legend>Enter your
     information in the form

    I’m using the and HTML tags because they group the form elements nicely (they add a box around the form with a title at the top). This isn’t pertinent to the form itself, though.

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