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Everything posted by Jonathon

  1. Hmm, I found it odd, FF is still better development wise for me, but I run it at bare, no add-ons etc because its just too heavy otherwise. I did think it was a shame Opera was just so slow when using Dragonfly for development or just generally.
  2. You should be able to test them, I just ran this code in my PHPMyAdmin call select_sale_items(1); Have you definitely got the full permissions enables to be able to execute stored procedures?
  3. strip_tags() takes a second parameter for allowable tags. So this code: <?php $string = "This <strong>is</strong> a line<br />This is another line"; echo strip_tags($string, '<br>'); /* Outputs: * This is a line * This is another line */ ?> Strips the <strong> tags and allows the <br /> Is that what you were after?
  4. I agree, they are very good domain registrars but I know quite a few people who felt let down by GoDaddy
  5. Yeah that's fine Larry, I must have missed that section. My day is similar I enjoy the BBCs website and stock up on various snippets of news. Failbook i've never heard of but it seems funny already so I shall check it out. Amazon from a development perspective i really love just because its so clever. Right off to check out Failbook!
  6. Hi Scott, What is your actual code your using? Secondly, I don't have the book so bare with me, can you run php ok on your local server, i.e build a small test page like test.php <?php echo 'Hello Scott'; ?> does that echo out the correct page, if not what do you get? Also you're loading feedback.html, should this perhaps be feedback.php instead? Also when you say it doesn't work, how doesn't it work and what do you see?
  7. I have nothing but good things to say about HostGator, Superb support and good pricing plans
  8. Hi Larry and anyone else with Dragonfly, A few months back you mentioned Dragonfly, I was just wondering if you're still using it? I got a new system recently (a few months back) and it was the first browser I got other than IE that came installed. But I have to say that I found it even slower than Firefox sadly, I liked the Dragonfly itself, but I couldn't really handle the browser speed, It was even fairly slow loading a local server page. I have moved to Chrome for general browsing and I do feel that it is probably the quickest browser about, I use it if I'm developing in PHP generally, but anything more in depth or that's JS, HTML,CSS based I still use FF and I guess I really use both of them. Just wondered what your experiences with DragonFly were?
  9. Just a little social thread for anyone knocking around, I just wondered what peoples favourite websites are and why. I can almost certainly say that Amazon is my favourite website! It's so intuitive and reactive, from giving % likelihoods of buying an item or other related items to being able manage your orders, break them up, combine or whatever and it just reschedules everything and gives dates of shipping etc. I think it's basically really clever and that's why it's my favourite.
  10. 1 solution, Google have a translate widget you can plugin, probably the least amount of work
  11. This is down to basically not referencing the files constantly. But to help you I will need some more information from you. Are you on a live or local server? What is the full path to your index.php file what is the full path to the footer file what is the full path to the header file what is the full path to the css file you have also what code are you using to include the header, footer + css (I don't have the book so I can't really reference anything, but be as specific as you can be in order to help any other people help you )
  12. I've known that pain, I even went on a few websites at work some time ago and it came up and said we don't bother supporting IE6 anymore - Thanks employer
  13. Size is the physical width of the input field and should be done through the css using, px em or %. Maxlength is a HTML attribute specifying the maximum number of charachters that can be input into that field. It is not able to be controlled through CSS.
  14. Hi Rob, Yes I and Abigail are both aware of the two different attributes. But it isn't clear whether Marie wanted size or max-length. Either way, she should be able to adjust the page either way through the replies she's got.
  15. Hi Abigail, As a general rule, although I guess there are exceptions (as with all rules it seems) anything depicting the visual appearance should be through the CSS. So in this case if it is the physical width of the input field then that should be the CSS. I don't believe the maxlength attribute is anything to do with CSS and so it would be expected to be a HTML command, I guess because it doesn't affect the layout, it just affects the number of charachters the field can accept. I wasn't sure exactly what Marie wanted as my initial reply does kind of suggest, nor did I have the code to hand, so I just assumed that it should be styled within the CSS. Although I suppose it doesn't currently matter how you do it, I just advocate following standards as much as possible, sure I forget or miss things on occasions but I feel they are there for a reason, so might as well abide by them. Also with tools like the web developer tool bar its so much easier to inline edit css in your browser, no need to guess a width save the file, reload it etc. I can tinker with the CSS inline get it how I want it and then just copy it over to the file.
  16. Again, it is possible through HTML but they should be http://www.w3schools..._input_size.asp
  17. Have you managed to achieve this then or do you need some help?
  18. You can reference outside the htdocs folder, I had a play with it a few weeks back and treated the xampp folder as my outside root folder as if it were live and it was ok.
  19. Although it is possible to style it through your HTML, markup text should be used to divide page content and CSS is where you should style and make pretty the HTML markup. If you add a width to this css command form input, form textarea { width: 300px; /* Or whatever*/ you can alter the register page field widths
  20. Hello, Your DB structure is: However, this is what my PHPMyAdmin says when I execute the SQL commands from Larry's file. Now that might not be the entire reason your script is failing, as I said I didn't really read the thread properly, which I have apologised for but I have been quite busy, but when I saw your structure it didn't seem right to me. Your SQL command should be more like this I would think. I have taken Larry's script and introduced the username for you with the same parameters and also taken out the first and last names as you seem to have done this also. CREATE TABLE users ( user_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, email VARCHAR(90) NOT NULL, pass CHAR(40) NOT NULL, username CHAR(40) NOT NULL, active CHAR(32), registration_date DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (user_id), UNIQUE KEY (email), INDEX login (email, pass) );
  21. The actual width of the input field? Such as the search bar on this forum in the top right? They're are controlled by the CSS template (or should be) I havent looked at the code. What browser are you currently using? If you are using Firefox there is a very good plugin called the web developer plugin https://addons.mozil.../web-developer/ That allows you to view the CSS styles by hovering over the HTML elements, you can then view what CSS styles are being used on this element and also edit the CSS inline, to guarantee that the changes you were going to make to the CSS file will work. Shout me if that's not what you want and tell me what page of the book your on and i'll get mine out.
  22. I've admittedly not read all this thread, perhaps I should have. Your problem is with the NULL field though I gather from a quick skim. But your table structure for active doesn't allow for it to be NULL. Which leads me to hazard a guess that you have NULL in your DB as a string not a NULL value. Also I'm not sure why password should be allowed to accept a null value? Apologies if this is not what your looking for, or if i'm incorrect.
  23. I also find that looking at your competitors, or prices relevant to your area is worthwhile.If your region people/agencies charge $x for something and you charge $3x, it might be tough to gain interest from the average Google search person, looking to find a price for a project. It's all relative.
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