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  1. Hi Larry my name is sam can i first start by saying i absolutely love your books. i am currently working on a project where i have built the php side of things and now working on enhancing using javascript. i am adapting your script from your Modern javascript develop and design book on chapter 15, (view.js). But the problem i have is my php script loops through the database to show results and i am trying to pass the id of the data, like you do in your view.php script to the view.js script with, <script> var itemId = ' . $itemid .'; </script> BUT i have a while loop on the php script and the script tags are in the while loop like this, $query = "SELECT `item_id` FROM items"; $results = mysqli_query ($dbc, $query); while (list ($item_id ) = mysqli_fetch_array($results, MYSQLI_NUM)) { // Start the while Loop here ... echo '<form action="" method="post" id="bidForm" class="bidForm"> <input class="button" type="submit" value="Like" title="Like"> <input type="hidden" name="item_id" id="item_id" class="video" value="' . $item_id . '"> </form>'; ?> <script> var itemId = "<?php echo $item_id; ?>"; </script> } // End of while Loop here .. then link to external js script <script src="js/ajaxBid.js"></script> Just so you know this is not exact just example above but it does the exact same thing. So the problem is where it Loops the var itemId gets more then one value so you don't get the value of the button clicked sent to the ajax script. How can i get the id of the button clicked in my js script while still in the while loop???? sorry if this is really confusing i will answer any questions you might have. if you or anyone could explain in the simplest possible way where I'm going wrong as not brilliant at javascript yet, that would be amazing been stuck for ages on this. many thanks, Sam
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