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  1. Hi there everybody. I've only recently started experimenting with the Yii framework and must say that I'm loving it. I have however run into a slight dilemma which I just can't seem to figure out. I must admit that my javascript (jQuery) knowledge probably isn't up to scratch but I would prefer to make that part of my Yii learning experience. The problem: I want to include a search function in my header. This search function should behave exactly the same as a normal autocomplete dropdown textbox and the values of autocomplete options should be retrieved from two or more MYSQL database attributes (In this case I want to have a table for products and this one autocomplete field should enable me to search for product matches via the product_name, product_serial and product_color attributes). I have gotten a database search to work from http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/database-live-search/ . This however does a render_partial to a part of the page whereas I want possible results to be represented as a dropdown list. I would like to be able to click on one of the dropdown options and then go to this option specific page content after clicking a search button or perhaps if clicking on the specific option. To illustrate, I want to build a search box similar to that of Amazon.com (now by no means am I aiming to build such a complex underlying system, but this is just the idea of what I want to do.) http://www.amazon.com/ Now like I said I want to search through multiple attributes within my table. Ex. if I search for the string 'red', product_name, product_serial and product_color attributes will be scanned for all of the entries containing this string and if none are found the a sorry message will be displayed on the dropdown. BTW. I'm mainly using the Bootstrap extension for my UI if it might be of any additional help in building a typeahead or search form. Please if anybody can give me some assistance or point me to some sort of tutorial that will help me master this problem as it is really important to me to be able to do it exactly in the way described above! Thank you very much in advance. Kind regards, Hermann.
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