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Found 3 results

  1. Hi all, Can anyone help re-code the configuration file, script 18.3, using the prepared Statement Performance so that it can be compatible with the OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) MySQL connection script ((Script 16.1), please? Thanks
  2. Hi there. I'm just having some trouble with the chapter 10 forms 'putting it all together' task. I created the register.js file as guided by the book, which has validation using regular expressions. However, when I load the form in a browser, and try to create some errors by incorrectly filling it in, I just get the generic HTML5 error messages, which say "Please fill out this field". I want the form to validate dynamically using the validateForm() function inside of register.js, not the standard HTML '<required>' validation. How can I make my form use these regular expression validations to give me the 'inline' errors using <span> which the book refers to on page 415, as opposed to the HTML5 errors? My code appears to be identical to the book, so I won't put my code in here unless it's necessary? Thanks
  3. I also want to echo the applause for this book. I can find bits and pieces on the web; the php manual is great BUT if you are new to the topic (like me) and have no context, no understanding why to do these things this way and how to put them all together, it is a very painful trial and error. So thanks, Larry! I have set up my error_handler in config.inc.php. It is working fine except with my login script (Chap. 12). I am using login_functions.inc.php (Script 12.2) and the errors are not printing to the screen. Instead I get this error message. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare my_error_handler() (previously declared in C:\wamp\www....\includes\config.inc.php:45) in C:\wamp\www\...\includes\config.inc.php on line 75 The function check_login() is being used. I do get content into errors array. I did do a var_dump of the errors array and did check that. But I don't know why it is causing the error. I don't see where I have redeclared my_error_handler(). Thank you for any help you may give. N.
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