Hello! First of all, I really appreciate the Yii book and I find it just awesome! Thank you! But, I have a question about rbac. In your book you are showind how to tie roles to database users. And I lost the thread at the moment when the roles are assigned to the users:
# protected/models/User.php
public function afterSave() {
if (!Yii::app()->authManager->isAssigned(
$this->type,$this->id)) {
return parent::afterSave();
When a user is created - the role pointed at "type" attribute is assigned to the actual role in database. The question is - what if I need to change user's role after she has been created? For example, administartor would want to change any specific user's role to "moderator" or to "author"? This code would not work, right? How do I implement it? I can guess that I just need to delete "if" condition, so the rest of code would work when user is updated. But I feel that is wrong.... Sorry, if this question was already asked, I tried to find it. And thank you in advance!