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Found 3 results

  1. Hi I'm trying to find out 2 things, 1) how to pass a button value that comes from mysqli while loop to javascript then on to Ajax script. 2) how to pass a php array on to javascript and then onto the Ajax script. I will be really grateful if anyone could help. many thanks sam
  2. When I tried to run the downloaded SQL commands in phpMyAdmin, various error messages appeared, stating that no author table exists. So I searched for all occurrences of the word "author" and replaced them with "user", except for this line: `type` enum('public','author','admin') NOT NULL, Is this correct? The file I downloaded is: yiibook2_cms.sql.zip Thanks.
  3. Hi, this is a general question based on the user registration scripts found in the back of this book. I was trying to create a single page which could call login.php and registration.php via includes() at the beginning of index.php; and then have two areas on a single page where the user could either sign up and be taken to the activation page, or where the user could login and be taken to the backend. Is there a way to do this on a single page without having to cut and paste the entirety of the two scripts (login and registration) into index.php? Is this how includes() can be used? Any advice would be welcome and appreciated.
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