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Php Myadmin And Php Script Return Different Results

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Here is a script that I typed into php MyAdmin:



M.media_name FROM media as M

INNER JOIN member_media as J on J.mediaID = M.mediaID

WHERE J.maaMemberId = 209


The number of rows it returns is 3


Here is the php version:


$q = "SELECT

M.media_name FROM media as M

INNER JOIN member_media as J on J.mediaID = M.mediaID

WHERE J.maaMemberId = 209";


$r = @mysqli_query ($dbc, $q) or trigger_error("Query: $q\n<br />MySQL Error: " . mysqli_error($dbc));

$row = mysqli_fetch_array ($r, MYSQLI_NUM);

echo $row[0];

echo $row[1];

echo $row[2];



The only result is $row[0] which is a correct result (matches first row in first example)

The other 2 rows give "Undefined offset"

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I guess I've been working with ASSOC arrays too long. It seems that the entire results of the SELECT is given within a single array $row[0]. I was thinking that the 3 results were equal to 3 separate rows so that it would be stored in $row[0], $row[1],$row[2]. But it's not, it's all a single row of results.. right?


Hmmm, okay, you have my permission to change my "Advanced Member" status to "Advanced Dementia".

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