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Skipping Billing.Php

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Since this is my first post, I wolud like to say that Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL along with PHP for the web are great books and I learned a lot from both of them. Thank you Larry for the opportunity to read them.


My problem is with the second example from the book, I don't want to use (for the moment al least) any payment solution via credit card, the payment beeing made when the product arrives at the destination (this is how most online shops from my country works), so I don't need the checkbox for the shipping address to be the same with billing address since they will always be the same, and I would like to skip the billing.php page and go directly to final.php, but I'm not sure were to start and how to do it.

I have disabled https from links and from .htaccess so I only have (and need) simple http.


PS: I hope you understand what I want sice my english is not that great.

Thank You,


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Thanks for the nice words on the books. It is appreciated.


As for your question, it's pretty much as straightforward as you describe it. Take the functionality from billing.php, that stores the information in the database, and add that to final.php, along with whatever instructions you want to provide to the user. That's the gist of it.

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