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Script 12.8 All Delete Buttons Point To Same Row

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When I execute Script 12.8 (delete_entry.php) by clicking the Delete button for an entry on the view_entries.php page, the same row comes up in the Delete an Entry page, no matter from which entry the Delete button was selected.


Even if I download Script 12.8 from your website and use that, the results are the same.


How do I modify the delete_entry.php script to target the entry from which the Delete button was selected?

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I should mention that it's the last row (oldest entry) in the database that is being selected, regardless of which entry the Delete button is selected from.


This is also the results when triggering the edit_entry.php file through using the Edit button on any of the entries on the view_entries.php page.

Edited by trowzers
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