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Dynamically Displaying Clickable Links In Tweets

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Guest you_n_me_n_php

Hi All...


The code below dynamically gets up to 20 of the last tweets from my twitter page and displays them on my website. How do I make the links in the tweets clickable? Does it have to do with URL encoding?




$user = 'gilmeragency';

$result = PIPHP_GetTweets($user);


if (!$result[0]) echo 'Failed';


for ($j = 0 ; $j < $result[0] ; ++$j) {

if ($j < 10)

echo $result[1] [$j] . "<br />";



function PIPHP_GetTweets ($gilmeragency) {

$url = "http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/$gilmeragency.xml";

$file = @file_get_contents($url);

if (!strlen($file)) return array(FALSE);


$xml = @simplexml_load_string($file);

if ($xml == FALSE) return array(FALSE);


$tweets = array();


foreach ($xml->status as $tweet)


$timestamp = strtotime($tweet->created_at);

$tweets[] = "9" . date("M jS, g:ia", $timestamp) . ") " .




return array(count($tweets), $tweets);





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Guest you_n_me_n_php

Use a tags and set the href attributes to the URLs to the tweets.


For example:


echo '<a href="' . $sURL . '">A tweet</a>';


Sorry if my explanation is lacking.


Thanks, Hartley. No need to apologize. I'm taking it step by step and do realize that I have to apply my own thinking to this, too. But if you would be so kind, would you please tell me where to do this in the code and why? I understand the code I have provided so far. At your leisure, please advise.


Once again, I appreciate your answer...





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Well, I'm not sure how your XML file is constructed, but I'm assuming that on each line of the file, there is a URL to a tweet, yeah?


That being the case, once you parse out the URL from everything else, than you need to load each URL into a separate a tag. This could probably be accomplished from the foreach loop you already have written.


Or you could write a separate loop outside of the function for going through each entry in the array, and grabbing the URL.


The choice is yours.

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