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Larry Ullman's Book Forums

What Wamp Should I Use?

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I've just now decided to try and learn php again as I've tried in the past and failed.  I have PHP for the Web Fourth Edition.  I am trying to figure out what version of wamp I should install on my computer as my hosts server has these specs:  php=5.3.27, apache=2.2.25, mysql=5.5.36.  I was looking at something called "EasyWamp 1.1" as "Wamp" is for php 5.5 and I cannot seem to find an older version that will work with php 5.3.27.  Am I going to find that I cannot use a wamp server because of my choice (or no choice) to keep php 5.3.27?  Thanks for your support.

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Thanks Larry, unfortunately everyone seems to be providing their packages for php 5.5 and the server that hosts my website has php5.3.27.  I don't have the option to upgrade to 5.5 until a script that I use upgrades and I need the script so I am stuck with the lower version of php.  Can I still use a newer version of a local server script with your book and my remote server setup to learn php?

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