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Mysql Configuration Errors

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Hi, I'm having a hard configurating mysql on my computer, I've already tried it 10 time after installing and uninstalling again and again.


after the installation of mysql, everything seem alright because I can read: configuration for mysql server 5.6.23 has succeeded. please click finish to continue.


but now when I try to get to mysql with the console cmd: c:\programme\mysql\mysql server 5.6\bin>mysql

I got this: error 1045 (28000): access denied for user'ODBC'@'localhost (using password: NO )


when I try this: c:\programme\mysql\mysql server 5.6\bin>mysqlshow -u root

I get this: access denied for user'root'@'localhost (using password: NO )


when I try this: c:\programme\mysql\mysql server 5.6\bin>mysqlshow -u root -p password

I first get this: enter password:******

after I entered the password I gave in my configuration, I get this: Unknown database 'password'


I don't know what to do

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you're right, but as I first used "mysql" I got this error > error 1045 (28000): access denied for user'ODBC'@'localhost (using password: NO )



then after that I used "mysqlshow -u root -p password" and "mysql -u root -p", it worked both. I could acces mysql.


but then comes another problem as I tried to change the password by using "mysqladmin -u root -p password 'newNEWpassword'; I then entered the configuration root user password at the prompt. now I can't access mysql anymore. I get an error like this with any password I use > error 1045 (28000): access denied for user'ODBC'@'localhost (using password: YES )

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Okay, to start, you need to make sure you're trying to do everything as the right user. If you use `some-command -u root`, you'll be attempting to execute that command as root. The times you're seeing "access denied for user 'ODBC'", you're not trying to execute as root, and your system is using the default user ("ODBC", who is probably neither an administrator nor has a password set). 

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Yes I started it again after I tried to changed the password with "mysqladmin -u root -p password 'newNEWpassword'".



So I tried again to execute the command as root with "mysql -u root -p". I got this error --> "error 1045 (28000): access denied for user'root'@'localhost (using password: YES )". I've entered any password and nothing seems to work.

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So this is progress, then, as you know you're using "root". It looks like you have successfully changed the password and no longer know what the right one is. I'd try all the likely values you've used, but if you still can't find the right one, look online for instructions for resetting the MySQL root password. 

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