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Post Array Value`s

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I am working thru chapter 8, page 214 and supplementing my own code to see what works.


If i have a separate conditional for each $_POST[] array first_name, last_name, email etc and then place the

conditional to print out the values at the bottom before the closing bracket that began with the first initial conditional, i do receive error messages as shown below in the first code example.


Why would that be.

If each conditional to print out the value from the $POST array can print out its value in its own conditional, following a conditional using the same index in its own conditional.

Or put another way.

If there is one value from a html form in a post array and that value can be accessed in a conditional.

why is that value not available several conditional`s below its first iteration.


does this particular situation have something to do with " stack " or is the stack, [deal with] functions only.


Thank you in advance for any response.



// the error messages:

//Notice: Undefined index: first_name in /somewhere/ qC_stickyRegister.php on line 73

//Notice: Undefined index: last_name in /somewhere/qC_stickyRegister.php on line 78

//Notice: Undefined index: email in /somewhere/qC_stickyRegister.php on line 83

		$problem = FALSE;

			$problem = TRUE;
			print'<p class="error">Please enter a first name.</p>';
			$problem = TRUE;
			print'<p class="error">Please enter a last name</p>';
			$problem = TRUE;
			print'<p class="error">Please enter your e mail address</p>';
			$problem = TRUE;
			print'<p class="error">Please provide a password.</p>';
		if($_POST['password1'] != $_POST['password2'])
			$problem = TRUE;
			print'<p class="error">Your passwords do not match.</p>';

			print'<p>Registration is good.</p>';
			$_POST = array();
		} else {
			print'<p class="error">Something went wrong</p>';
// ----------CONDITIONALS TO PRINT OUT THE VALUES ------------------	

		if($_POST['first_name'] == TRUE)
			$Fname = $_POST['first_name'];
			print "<p>If the following information is correct please press proceed. <br />First Name: $Fname <br />";

		if($_POST['last_name'] == TRUE)
			$Lname = $_POST['last_name'];
			print "Last Name: $Lname <br />";

		if($_POST['email'] == TRUE)
			$mailE = $_POST['email'];
			print "E mail Address: $mailE </p>";




And This Does Work ...


		$problem = FALSE;
			$problem = TRUE;
			print'<p class="error">Please enter a first name.</p>';
		if($_POST['first_name'] == TRUE)
			$Fname = $_POST['first_name'];
			print "<p>If the following information is correct please press proceed. <br />First Name: $Fname <br />";
			$problem = TRUE;
			print '<p class="error"Please enter a Last name</p>';
		if($_POST['last_name'] == TRUE)
			$Lname = $_POST['last_name'];
			print "Last Name: $Lname <br />";
			$problem = TRUE;
			print'<p class="error">Please enter your e mail address</p>';
		if($_POST['email'] == TRUE)
			$mailE = $_POST['email'];
			print "E mail Address: $mailE </p>";
			$problem = TRUE;
			print'<p class="error">Please provide a password.</p>';

		if($_POST['password1'] != $_POST['password2'])
			$problem = TRUE;
			print'<p class="error">Your passwords do not match.</p>';

			print'<p>Registration is good.</p>';
			$_POST = array();
		} else {
			print'<p class="error">Something went wrong</p>';

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I think with this:

  print'<p>Registration is good.</p>';
  $_POST = array();


you are reinitializing, i.e. creating a new empty POST array. So after this line $_POST['first_name'] and the others are FALSE.

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Thank you

For the the reply.


I think with this:

  print'<p>Registration is good.</p>';
  $_POST = array();


you are reinitializing, i.e. creating a new empty POST array. So after this line $_POST['first_name'] and the others are FALSE.

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