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Chapter 10 Email Of Html Form

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I am a beginner at PHP and programming in general but have needed to have a working contact form on my business website. This is more than likely very easy but I just cannot get what I need working.


I have been trying to implement the script to send an email from a HTML form. The script as written in the book prints a message on submission of the form but I want it to redirect to another page instead.


I have looked around for the solution but cannot figure out how to make this work. I believe that I need to use :


header('Location: applythanks.html');exit();I have put this into the code under the part that sends the message, which I do receive, but the page does not redirect. I have also tried putting it in other parts of the code but still do not get the desired result.The original script is as follows:


<?php # Script 10.1 - email.php


// Check for form submission:

if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {


// Minimal form validation:

if (!empty($_POST['name']) && !empty($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['comments']) ) {


// Create the body:

$body = "Name: {$_POST['name']}\n\nComments: {$_POST['comments']}";


// Make it no longer than 70 characters long:

$body = wordwrap($body, 70);


// Send the email:

mail('your_email@example.com', 'Contact Form Submission', $body, "From: {$_POST['email']}");


// Print a message:

echo '<p><em>Thank you for contacting me. I will reply some day.</em></p>';


// Clear $_POST (so that the form's not sticky):

$_POST = array();


} else {

echo '<p style="font-weight: bold; color: #C00">Please fill out the form completely.</p>';



} // End of main isset() IF.


// Create the HTML form:



I would be very grateful if someone could help me with this, as am tearing my hair out!


Many thanks

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Check out the description of the PHP mail function on the following page:




Make sure that your arguments are all valid, especially the format of the to and from email addresses. Also, because the mail function returns a Boolean value, you can use that as a test for redirecting the user. For example, redirect if the mail is successfully sent, otherwise, post some sort of error message, asking for some sort of confirmation:


if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $additional_headers)) {

 echo 'Mail sent. Redirecting...';

 header('Location: ' . $url);


} else {

 echo 'Failed.';


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