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Use The Load Data Command Within Mysql Workbench

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First I'd like to say this book is great! It is teaching me the things I need to know to design and build the web app I've sketched out. I'm slowling becomming proficient in database design and scripting. Thanks Larry!


Ive got a database setup with an InnoDB engine for all of my tables. I've got several tables that I am using as "Master" tables to pull data from to automatically generate input forms based on certain variables. Some of these tables will have a few hundred rows of data.


I want to use MS Excel to organize the data for these tables and then import them into my database using the MySQL workbench. I'm very comfortable with this interface for the EER diagram and configuring tables and foreign keys but I'm not so good yet using the command prompt for connecting and running commands. Can someone provide some instructions to use the LOAD DATA command to get the data into these tables? Ideally I'd like to write these scripts once and be able to run them whenever I've got updated tables from MS Excel. Overwriting the existing data is fine as it will all be in the MS Excel files.





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Thanks for the nice words on the book. It is appreciated. As for your question, instead of LOAD DATA and the command line, you could just use phpMyAdmin's IMPORT option. Export the data from Excel as CSV, and then import it into phpMyAdmin. Is that an option for you?

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