Archives For browserlab

Adobe’s BrowserLab

November 19, 2009

I’ve been meaning to post about this for a while, but in case you haven’t caught this yet, Adobe has created a resource called BrowserLab. First, there’s a Web-based version, which only requires an Adobe account to log in and use. After you’ve done that, enter a URL and you can view how that Web page looks in various browsers. Right now, only browsers on Windows XP (Firefox 2, 3, and 3.5; IE 6, 7, and 8; Chrome 3) and Mac OS X (Safari 3 and 4; Firefox 2, 3, and 3.5) are supported, but it’s a wonderful start. For anyone needing to see how their site renders on other browsers, including operating systems they may not have, this is a wonderful tool. There’s also a way to compare how a page renders on multiple browsers at one time, so that you can get that pixel perfect look. If you’re using Dreamweaver CS4, there’s even a BrowserLab extension, so you can have the same functionality without leaving your Web development tool.

For more, also see this video on Adobe TV.