Archives For stripe

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series Processing Payments with Stripe

In my previous post in this series, I covered how you create an HTML form for securely handling payments via Stripe. As explained in that post, thanks to the Stripe.js library, the proper HTML, and a bit of JavaScript, you can easily and securely handle payments on your site without getting mired in the PCI compliance much. The secret is the Stripe.js library: it sends the customer’s payment information from the client to Stripe’s server and returns a token that Stripe associated with that payment information. Then, when the form is submitted, the token can be used by the PHP on your site to actually process the payment. The customer’s payment information, however, never touches your server. You get paid and the customer is protected.

In this post, I’ll walk through the necessary JavaScript to handle the client-side of that process. Note that this article assumes that you have read the previous article. And comfort with JavaScript and jQuery is required, too.

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This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series Processing Payments with Stripe

Once you’ve created a Stripe account and have acquired an SSL certificate, you’re ready to write the form through which you’ll accept payments to be processed via Stripe. This is surprisingly simple to do, and completely secure when done right. In this post, I’ll explain what you need to do with your HTML.

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In this edition…

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This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Processing Payments with Stripe

When you go to use any payment system for the first time on a project, you’ll need to create a test account. As with almost every step of the process, Stripe again makes this ridiculously easy. In this post I’ll explain how to create a test account in Stripe, and how that process is different than the other payment systems I’ve worked with, in a couple of ways. If you’re not currently planning on using Stripe, you may want to read my first post in this series, which explains how Stripe works and what its pros and cons are.

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Introduction to Stripe

October 10, 2012
This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series Processing Payments with Stripe

I cannot state this more clearly: you should be thinking about using Stripe for every e-commerce project you do. Period. Exclamation mark. Although Stripe is just over a year old now, it’s quickly made a name for itself as an excellent payment solution that everyone should at least consider using.

I first heard about Stripe a few months ago, and have since used it on a couple of projects. In this first part of an exhaustive series, I’ll introduce Stripe for those not yet using this great service. In subsequent posts, you’ll learn everything you can ever possibly need to know to use Stipe today. Well, almost everything.

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