Archives For Larry

I am happy to report that my presentation “How to (not) Get Rich Writing Books” has been selected for the 2013 Pittsburgh TechFest. Pittsburgh TechFest is a one-day event on software development and related subjects. Tickets are only $10, which includes lunch (it’s a steal if you’re anywhere near Pittsburgh). Tickets will go on sale in early April. You can follow Pittsburgh TechFest 2013 on Twitter at @pghtechfest13.

My specific presentation is a new one for me, and one that I’ve been thinking about giving for a little while now. I’ll have an hour time block at Pittsburgh TechFest. Right now, the outline of my presentation looks like…

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A team of very smart Web developers recently posted “How to lose weight (in the browser)”. This is a front-end guide to improving the performance of your Web site.

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Quick update on my progress on “The Yii Book”…

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A couple of developers that attend a lot of conferences put together an online “Day Camp 4 Developers”. These are live, half-day blocks in which great presentations from recent conferences are done again, this time online. I’ve not attended, or viewed, any yet myself, but this Wednesday, March 22nd, the theme is “Public Speaking for Developers”.

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Much of the work done with models involves using the methods defined within the model classes. These methods, such as rules() and relations(), are created by the code generator Gii. You’ll also add your own methods to the code generated for you. But, thanks to inheritance, there are lots of methods common to Yii models that you’ll frequently use. In this post, I want to specifically look at methods used to handle model-related events. Before looking at the usage of these methods, let’s first look at event handling in Yii in general.

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