Archives For Web Development

Over the past weekend I was fortunate enough to give three presentations at the excellent Northeast PHP conference in Boston:

-How To Get There
-Ajax: You Can Do It, Too!
-How to Teach PHP and Web Development

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A couple of quick updates on “The Yii Book” and its corresponding website,…

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Just a quick update on the status of “The Yii Book” (the project that never ends)…

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The good people behind the Northeast PHP conference (starting next Friday, August 16th!) have recently posted two videos of interviews with conference presenters. And one of them is me.

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Tomorrow night, Thursday, August 1, at 7:30PM ET, I’ll be doing a live online interview with Matt Murphy of the Boston PHP group. In the interview, I’ll preview the three presentations I’ll be given at the Northeast PHP conference in Boston on August 17th and 18th. The plan is to broadcast the interview live (via Google Hangouts On Air, I think). If this all works, I’ll be able to answer questions sent to @nephp or @larryullman. For more information and details (to be determined), watch this page or @nephp, @bostonphp, and @larryullman.

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