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Everything posted by Edward

  1. When i used cdata to do this i put the logic code into the model within a get method. I then called the method from the model in the view within the dropdown list function if that helps.
  2. You have some of the same controller names as me most probably we are working on similar sites. I am leaving routes out to do last after main site functionality is completed. Sorry i could be of no help right now.
  3. Edward

    Twitter Bootstrap

    Spend all weekend working on my site css with bootstrap. I actually noticed eBay were using it but with my expertise my site ended up looking better than ebay. I had to make edits in some of the yii class files to get the framework to correspond with bootstrap this worries me a little as installing new framework updates may overwrite these. So back to coding tomorrow and waiting for sir Larry's tutorials this week. I plan on finishing my main site functionality by june. When i get it done Larry I will get you the Death Star.
  4. Edward

    Twitter Bootstrap

    Yes i love it i have some CSS skills but most of what i needed taken care of is done by this framework. Blueprints only supplied the grids and reset css but wasn't as smooth and as useful. I have something i would like to ask about, i have installed the framework and have kind of hack the validation rules so that yii now works with the twitter bootstrap validation. <div class="control-group error"> <label class="control-label" for="inputError">Input with error</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="inputError"> <span class="help-inline">Please correct the error</span> </div> </div> This was the way the validation should be implemented via css which i have done. The only trouble is i had to setup a conditional statement $modelUser->getError('email') so i can could add the error class to the control-group. So my question is, is there and easier way to do this stuff or do we just hack it together like this to get the FaceBook thing, done is better than perfect?
  5. Edward

    Twitter Bootstrap

    It also shares the awesomeness that you possess. Thanks
  6. Oh, i am lost for words, i have checked out the Twitter Bootstrap and found this is just incredible. A massive time saver with regards to CSS and styling. It makes me wonder why Yii don't use this as there base CSS over the blueprints as their default CSS. Twitter Bootstrap is so good its even worth writing and article on. Ah its just amazing, so easy to use and so many examples. We are all blessed with such a great framework, amazing. http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/index.html So glad i was reading this forum and noticed Larry and Jonathon talking about it, i will be implementing this into the Yii framework project i have today and scrapping blueprints. Thanks guys you are awesome!
  7. I am not following you distribution lists of what exactly?
  8. You also talk mainly of the American market are you aware that the technology in Asia is super advanced although it may not appear to be. So most of us have js here and in Hong Kong most people use a Samsung Galaxy Note over an Apple iPhone.
  9. I knew the kindle was no match for the iPad, Amazon have some catching up to do. Well even so it's the same with eBay they warn that some of the features of a page will not work without js being enabled. But apart from that gotcha Larry on those good points.
  10. I have one friend also a coder that told me he he got good results from the Ketogenic Diet. Also another factor is you must make sure you body has enough water, if water is low wait can't be lost, so although how much you love coffee so much it can dehydrate your body. For this reason myself I stopped drinking coffee and started drinking instead a good old English Breakfast tea.
  11. One thing I noticed about twitter before is that if you disable js in your browser it doesn't work and that they prompt you to get it enabled. So I am guessing this would be the thing to do with your website, come on this is now 2013, those that do not have js should rollover and die.
  12. When I done some of my initial database planning I thought to myself a new table would need to be created for each of these situations but later I realized I was wrong. Most of the relational database problems can be fixed by a single table or two tables which means the other being intermediary. You sound to me that you are correct also Antonio unless I am missing something.
  13. That's cool. I noticed you were implementing the twitter bootstrap, I was just making customizations on the blueprints CSS and it looks equally good. The only negative factor with Blueprints is it doesn't have built in fluid width you have to get it as an extension. So to me the twitter bootstrap looks to be more off a full package and also with the added bonus of the branding confidence it has behind it,
  14. To hassan I think if you have finished this book it will be enough to start the effortless ecommerce book as the Advanced PHP book doesn't really cover much of the stuff that is needed for the book. Also I would recommend you build your own small practice site just to drill those factors in. Would be best to do a site to start mixing in coding conventions from chapters 17, 18 and 19. If you do that everything will sink in and Effortless should be a walk through as it's also explained extremely well.
  15. Hey Jonathon, how are you? I am curious to know did you start your Yii project or are you holding back from the whole thing until you have read all of Larry's book?
  16. I like to think that what i am doing is right for the time being, i would put bets on it that if my website does work for business then eventually the entire system would be changed. But i believe now its time to learn the hard way than do nothing and learn nothing at all. Yes i did think to myself that making a framework idea is completely ridiculous especially for larger projects, i would always use a framework from now on. With Yii i do find that when i am doing something wrong the correct way in Yii is always much easier.
  17. Just finished your controllers chapter today, i release now i made a mistake with my project activation page and should of used the routing system, I will make changes this week. I also changed the HTML to HTML5 like you said we should be using now. I have built a good bit of my project now so far i have 11 models and one page i have to deal with tomorrow with 5 models. Well i certainly won't be waiting for Yii 2 as Yii 1 can already do all i need to have done so far. Yii is awesome and incredibly easy to use after a couple of days struggling with their documentation. Sorry i haven't been on here trying to help with questions, i need the time now for my own work, and pretty much the rest of the day i am stuck at Tennis.
  18. An interesting talk, i liked how you changed from talking aloud to the silent whispering to yourself to humor the audience.
  19. The created and modified words would need to be changed to matching attribute names in your user active record otherwise it wouldn't work. I take it that is example code.
  20. But a website would look url ugly with site controller after the domain name. So how do we go about this?
  21. Then i guess just code your own cms solution with your current knowledge. This is the best answer i can give you with the time i had available. Best of luck with your work.
  22. Edward

    Project Ideas

    Even more fun!
  23. The information from the linked page you have there was copied from the Yii 1.1 Application Development Cookbook (Alexander Makarov). I think Alexander may be part of the Yii Development team, correct me if i am wrong? It was the solution i was just testing for static pages. I added a new controller to my protected/controllers folder <?php class WebsiteController extends CController { public function actionPage1($alias) { echo "Page is $alias."; } public function actionPage2($alias) { echo "Page is $alias."; } public function actionPage3($alias) { echo "Page is $alias."; } } You can see in the code i have actions for the static pages which i would need page1, page2 and page3. I was then required to add the new rewrite rules below for the 3 static pages. 'urlManager'=>array( 'showScriptName'=>false, 'urlFormat'=>'path', 'rules'=>array( '<alias:page1>' => 'website/page1', '<alias:page2>' => 'website/page2', '<alias:page3>' => 'website/page3', '<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>'=>'<controller>/view', '<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:\d+>'=>'<controller>/<action>', '<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>'=>'<controller>/<action>', ), ), This works for urls /page1, /page2, /page3
  24. I found them to be useful, you can allow any user to access a action by using the star symbol. The rule seems to be adaptable for all scenarios by fiddling with the the corespondent symbols. What is the situation you are having trouble with?
  25. Edward

    Project Ideas

    Sounds like a fun project you will be able to perform stealing test runs.
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