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Found 4 results

  1. I've been struggling with the following Pursue challenge. I found an eloquent solution in the forum for version 4 but it included a function which will not be discussed until chapter 3. I just can't find a way to echo a greeting based on gender selection without a nested conditional. I would appreciate help on this. Pursue: Rewrite the gender conditional in handle_form.php (Script 2.4) as one conditional instead of two nested ones. Hint: You’ll need to use the AND operator. Here is the nested conditional: // Validate the gender: if (isset($_POST['gender'])) { $gender = $_POST['gender']; if ($gender == 'M') { $greeting = '<p><strong>Good day, Sir!</strong></p>'; } elseif ($gender == 'F') { $greeting = '<p><strong>Good day, Madam!</strong></p>'; } else { // Unacceptable value. $gender = NULL; echo '<p class="error">Gender should be either "M" or "F"! </p>'; } } else { // $_POST['gender'] is not set. $gender = NULL; echo '<p class="error">You forgot to select your gender!</p>'; }
  2. I am having trouble creating the code to improve the security of add_print.php in Chapter 19. I am adapting the code from chapter 11 to this problem and not having any luck. I want to validate the file type before adding a print to the database. Does anyone have the solution to this review and pursue question? thanks
  3. Hello All, Well I'm wrapping up the last part of this book and seem to have hit a roadblock. On the first Ch. 13 Pursue assignment that tells you to make the login form sticky, I can't seem to get it to work and I've been able to get all of the previous ones pretty quickly. I know it'll probably be something that makes me feel silly after I figure it out, but after 2 hours of mixing and rearranging code, I keep coming back to the same thing and get somewhat similar results each time. Aside from it not working properly, when I put my code in the value attribute, it shows up as code in the actual form the first and every time after you reload the page. Here is my code and any help is appreciated: <?php // Script 13.5 - login.php /* This page lets people log into the site. */ // Set two variables with default values: $loggedin = false; $error = false; // Check if the form has been submitted: if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // Handle the form: if(!empty($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['password'])) { if ( (strtolower($_POST['email']) == 'me@example.com') && ($_POST['password'] == 'testpass') ) { // Correct! // Create the Cookie setcookie('Samuel', 'Clemens', time()+3600); // Indicate they are logged in: $loggedin = true; } else { // Incorrect! $error = 'The submitted email address and password do not match those on file!'; } } else { // Forgot a field. $error = 'Please make sure you enter both an email address and a password!'; } } // Set the page title and include the header file: define('TITLE', 'Login'); include('templates/header.html'); // Print an error if one exists: if ($error) { print '<p class="error">' . $error . '</p>'; } // Indicate the user is logged in, or show the form: if($loggedin) { print '<p>You are now logged in!</p>'; } else { print '<h2>Login Form</h2> <form action="login.php" method="post"> <p><label>Email Address <input type="text" name="email" value="<?php if(isset($_POST[\'email\'])){ print htmlspecialchars($_POST[\'email\']); } ?>"/></label></p> <p><label>Password <input type="password" name="password" /></label></p> <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Log In!" /></p> </form>'; } include('templates/footer.html'); // Need the footer. ?> I've tried messing around with the red code all sorts of ways and get different results each time. If I don't escape the post values for email then I get a unexpected 'email'(T_STRING) error. I have a feeling it has something to do with the quotes and for the fact that the form is still within php already but can't quite grasp it yet. Please help! Scatz
  4. I've been racking my brain over how to achieve this, but I'm stumped. Here's the code I use in the relevant contact.js: function process() { 'use strict'; //set initial check for validation to true because there are no errors yet var okay = true; //reference to email and comments elements var email = document.getElementById('email'); var comments = document.getElementById('comments'); //validate email if (!email || !email.value || (email.value.length < 6) || (email.value.indexOf('@') == -1)) { okay = false; alert('Please enter a valid email address'); }//end if //validate comments if (!comments || !comments.value || (comments.value.indexOf('<') != -1)) { okay = false; alert('Please enter your comments, without any HTML!'); }//end if return okay; }//end process() function //event listener function init() { 'use strict'; //call process upon submission of form document.getElementById('theForm').onsubmit = process; }//end init function() window.onload = init;
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