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Chapter 12, Intro To Databases - Stripping Slashes From Arrays

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In the section, Securing Query Data, the use of stripslashes is given. It works when only one blog entry is being displayed. However, when several blog entries are being displayed using the mysql_fetch_array() on page 361-365 of the book, I can't elimate the slashes that are placed in front of single and double quotes from the database fields 'title' and 'entry'. I'm using PHP version 5.2.17.


I'd like to turn magic quotes off, if that's what's causing the problem. GoDaddy's PHP Info indicates the following regarding Magic Quotes (the two columns on the right represent local value, master value):


Local Master

magic_quotes_gpc On On

magic_quotes_runtime Off Off

magic_quotes_sybase Off Off


I can't find a help topic on GoDaddy about turning magic quotes off. Maybe they recognize that having them turned off threatens their servers? Anyway,


I suspect the problem is that the variable being stripped in the security section of PHP for the Web isn't an array, and the fetch array, of course, is. I've tried placing the "stripslashes()" function in every possible position in Script 12.7, but nothing seems to work.


Any suggestions?

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Hi dean, first suggestion, run away from Godaddy's hosting:), the magic quotes directive was deprecated since PHP version 5.3.0. But, in your case, you can put the following code in a file (you can call it, "magicquotes.inc.php, "magicquotes.php", or whatever works for you, and include it in your main script:


magicquotes.php code:


if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$process = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_REQUEST);
while (list($key, $val) = each($process)) {
 foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
	 if (is_array($v)) {
		 $process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = $v;
		 $process[] = &$process[$key][stripslashes($k)];
	 } else {
		 $process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = stripslashes($v);


Include it like this:


<?php # Begining of your script
include 'includes/magicquotes.php';




<?php # Begining of your script
include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'includes/magicquotes.php';



The php closing tag ?> was left intentionally, because this is an include file. I didn't invent this code, it comes from the PHP manual. Hope that helps.



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I was using a escape function to check whether magic quotes was enabled or disabled then taking appropriate action, for example


public static function escapeData ($data) {


global $mysqli; // Database connection.


// Strip the slashes if Magic Quotes is on:

if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $data = stripslashes($data);


// Apply trim() and mysqli_real_escape_string():

return $mysqli->real_escape_string(trim ($data));


} // End of the escapeData() function.

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Somewhere in his book, Larry suggests going away from your problem for a day or two, and then coming back to it with a fresh mind. I've done just that, and this morning I read through the database chapter again. For the first time, I realized that the strip slashes() function had been applied to the form fields when the insert data query was run. I had been trying to use these functions for the retrieve data (view_entries.php), and that is apparently why I couldn't get rid of the slashes. Once I added my_sql_escape_string(), stripslashes(), trim(), and strip_tags() to the add_entry.php script, the slashes were gone when I viewed all of the entries in view_entries.php.


I must say that I have worked from a dozen different computer books, and Larry's has been the best of them all. I don't believe there has been a mistake in any of his example code. That's really pretty rare.


As for GoDaddy, I agree that there must be better hosting companies. However, I was asked to take over the website of a non-profit organization, and there is still a year and one-half to go on their contract with GoDaddy. So . . . (I notice that the PHP website has a link to hosting companies they recommend.)


Thanks for your suggestions and help.

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