I’m hard at work on Chapter 20, “Working with Third-Party Libraries,” of “The Yii Book”, and making decent progress. The goal of the chapter, really, is to explain how to include third-party libraries without getting a ton of errors about not being able to find the class definition. If you’ve played around in this area at all, then you’ll know what I’m talking about: simple libraries, namespaces, autoloaders…it can get complicated.
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HTML forms are one of the key pieces of any website. As is the case with many things, creating forms while using a framework such as Yii is significantly different than creating forms using standard HTML alone. In Chapter 9, “Working with Forms,” of “The Yii Book“, you’ll learn what you need to know to create HTML forms when using the Yii framework. You’ll comprehend the fundamentals of forms in Yii and see a few recipes for common form needs.
Continue Reading...I’m extremely happy to say that I’ll be one of the speakers at php[tek] 2014 this May in Chicago, Illinois! php[tek] is one of the best-regarded PHP conferences around, and this year you’ll again find an all-star line-up (plus me). The conference itself runs for 2.5 days, from May 21st to the 23rd, with one additional tutorial day and a training day (on the 20th and 19th, respectively).
Continue Reading...On Friday evening, I officially released version 0.8 of “The Yii Book” (Chapter 19 had previously been released in rough format). This update includes over 55 pages of new content, which I call Chapter 19, “Extending Yii”. This is a 10% increase in the book’s total length, and by far the longest chapter in the book. You can download the latest version from the account page. Continue Reading…
As a reminder, this Thursday, January 30th, 2014, I’ll be presenting “Using, and Learning From, Stripe”, at the online eCommerce Web Summit. This is one of several conferences put together by the awesome folks behind php[architect]. Mine is one of four presentations that are part of this online e-commerce conference…
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